Rates & Policies

Our Residental Rates

A minimum rate of $23.00 for Water Rates is charged for 0-1000 gallons each month for any meter that does not have one of our locks.  This is charged regardless of whether any water is used or not.  The second 1000 gallons are $19.00, and the third 1000 is charged $16.00. 

There is also a Business Tax Rate charge of $24.55 for 0-1,000 gallons, $20.28 for the second 1,000, and $17.08 for the third.

You can figure your water bill by using the residential or business rate schedule.  This amount is due in our office by the 10th of the month.

After the 10th you must add a 10% penalty.

We also have water rates for the Rural Fire Districts, please call our office if you need one.

Livonia Water & Wastewater Rates

A minimum rate of $40.00 is charged each month for any meter in Livonia that does not have one of our locks. This is charged regardless of whether any water is used or not. Up to 1000 gallons can be used before an additional charge applies. The second 1000 gallons is $24.00 and the third 1000 is charged $21.00.

You can figure your bill by using the water/sewer rate schedule. This amount is due by the 10th of the month after that date, you must add a 10% penalty.



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