About Us

At PWSD 1 of Putnam County, our goal is to provide safe, clean water to all of our residents! Please check back, we will be adding more information, soon.

PWSD #1 of Putnam County was formed on October 5, 1976, to provide safe, clean water to the rural residents of Putnam County. The first water lines were laid in 1978, with 533 original hookups.  We currently supply water to over 2000 customers and service the outlying towns of Livonia, Worthington, Martinstown, Lemons, Powersville, and Lucerne. In 2001 we connected the Village of Livonia to a wastewater system.

The Public Water Supply District #1 of Putnam County complies with the newest rules and regulations established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources about the Safe Drinking Water Act and lead content in water.  Water samples are taken three (3) times every month at random sites throughout the District and are sent to the DNR Laboratory in Springfield MO.  Water pressure samples are taken and sent to Keystone Laboratories Inc., Newton, IA. Those samples are analyzed for bacteriological content.